Find bands and events near you

Download BandAnywhere by ImTunedIn today to find new bands and events daily. Manage all your event access passes from one place.

Navigate Your Jam

Get ready to turn your city into a massive music festival! Explore an interactive map that lights up with gigs, festivals, and concerts happening around you every single day.

No more FOMO - you're the master of your musical destiny!

Swipe Right on Seamless Access

Say goodbye to the hassle of paper tickets and flaky connectivity! Manage your tickets in style with a sleek QR code system that guarantees swift entry to your favorite venues.

Your tickets, your way – it's time to party without the tech troubles!

Your Backstage Pass

Share your concert experiences, post selfies with your favorite bands, and tag them for a chance to get noticed. Connect with like-minded music lovers and feel the pulse of the community.

Dive into the heart of the music scene where fans and bands collide!

Preview New Beats

What better way to discover new bands than to audition their pre-release tunes.

Play their songs directly from the BandAnywhere app.

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